Blog or Not to blog

Blog or not to Blog, this is the question.


When I first saw our 122nd president John Baxter started writing one back in May 2007, I was really surprised and inspired by his forward way of trying to communicate with our fellow members.

I guess having a blog is a fantastic idea. It made it easy for me to keep Young Members who cares about our progress up-to-date. I always think that IMechE Young Members in Hong Kong is best described as a community and this model could be best served with blogging. I can say, Young Members in Hong Kong is already a very dynamic group, but of course there’s always ways to uphold and strengthen the relationships of this group. We are trying to use blogs to reach Young Members, also students, future members, and of course other members in Hong Kong and around the globe.

Will we blog well, will we not?

Well, do I enjoy writing? Um, I guess I am ok, at least I do not hate writing. I believe as a communicator I should rank myself ok, and I hope blogging would also be a tool to improve my communication skill. Although staying in public spotlight would make me “feel like" a celebrity in some sort, chances are, not everyone will like my blog, and I’ve prepared to take criticism as no one is perfect.

Having say that, I have to highlight some of the drawbacks that might happens (transparency is always an objective of having a blog). I am a self-starter, at least I started this blog, and I have passion. I doubt my discipline and blogs needs regular attention over time, and time is always fall short on my schedule (who isn’t anyway). I will try to motivate myself to write something new, no matter how short, every 2 or 3 days. However I am not so sure whether I have time to respond to reader questions, although I try my best to review all the comments. I will try to devote myself in this blog, at least within my year of service as chairman in the IMechE HK Young Member Section.

The idea has been around for a while

I’ve been thinking of blogging for a while. The largest concern is whether I will blog well. I really do not hope this blog will just end in the middle of nowhere, because nobody is reading and eventually I lose my passion.

Well, if you would like to see me blog, and keep on blogging. Please leave me some feedbacks.

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